ParaSwap v4 Is Live on Enzyme
ParaSwap v4 is now live on Enzyme, that means Gas savings to trading & the Hopper algo gets some of the best liquidity in #DeFi.
What is Enzyme?
Enzyme Protocol is an Ethereum-based protocol for decentralized on-chain asset management. It is a protocol for people or entities to manage their wealth & the wealth of others within a customizable and safe environment. Enzyme empowers anyone to set up, manage and invest in customized on-chain investment vehicles.
What is ParaSwap?
ParaSwap aggregates decentralized exchanges and other DeFi services in one comprehensive interface to streamline and facilitate users’ interactions with Ethereum’s decentralized finance.
This website provides a clear state of ParaSwap’s capabilities and some guidance on all the services ParaSwap can interact with.