Oxen 9.1.0 Audacious Aurochs
Oxen announced next major hardfork #Oxen 9.1.0 Audacious Aurochs that tentatively scheduled to release on the 22nd of April.
Here are some of the new features and improvements which will be included included in the 9.1.0 hardfork:
Blockchain support for ONS Wallet Registration (Allows a user to send Oxen to a name) Note that support for sending to ONS wallet addresses in wallets will come later
Removal of PoW requirement on Oxen storage server
Decommission/Deregistration reason reporting: the blockchain will now include a record indicating why a Service Node was decommissioned
Better storage server reporting to allow easier storage server problem diagnostics
Time synchronisation testing to make sure a Service Node’s clock is not significantly off
New extendable uptime proof format that now includes lokinet/storage server version info
More robust onion requests protocol
Increase storage server maximum message storage time to 14 days
Oxen core fee reduction for transactions and ONS registrations
“Liblokinet” support allowing us to start embedding Lokinet into applications without requiring a lokinet installation
Tons of smaller fixes and improvements we’ve added over the past months
All of these changes will go live at the time of the hardfork, the proposed timeline is indicated at the bottom of this article.
What is Oxen?
Oxen is many things. A private cryptocurrency. A secure messaging platform. A network anonymity layer. Tools to build a more private future for the Internet.