BurgerSwap Has Partnered With ROCKI

BurgerSwap has partnered with ROCKI, to bring to BurgerSwap ROCKS token farming pool.
User can stake ROCKS-Burger LP (BLP) tokens and ROCKS-BNB LP (BLP) tokens to earn ROCKS and BURGER rewards.
Users will be able to stake the said BLP tokens into the ROCKS farming pool to farm 22,000 ROCKS tokens over 8 weeks, starting from 23 April 2021 16:00 (UTC+8).
About BurgerSwap
BurgerSwap is the first Automated market maker based democratized decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain which is created by community and for the community.
About Rocki
ROCKI is a music streaming service and digital payments ecosystem designed to solve some of the most fundamental problems of the music industry. ROCKI is also the first platform in the music industry to have its own unique Music NFTs.