Upcoming Zilliqa Mainnet Launching

On May 11, Zilliqa will undergo a mainnet upgrade to v. 8.0.0. Following the upgrade, iys staking contract will transition to phase 1.1
Planned Changes:
💢 Transferring stakes from one account to another account, without penalty will be possible. This feature can open up new possibilities such as smart contract wallets supporting staking
💢 Staking parameters will be adjusted following the block time reduction and reward adjustment in mainnet v. 8.0.. This adjustment is to calibrate the staking rewards to around the same level as phase 1 staking
💢 Functional fixes will address the contract state bloating issue
💢 Interface changes for reward transition will ensure compatibility with Scilla v. 0.10.0
During the mainnet upgrade all activities will be put on hold:
❌ All staking activities will be on halt during the migration period which will last for 1 week. Delegate stakes, withdrawing staking rewards, withdrawing stakes, etc. will not be possible.
❌ Delegators don’t need to take any actions ahead of the migration.
❌ Rewards will be retroactively awarded post-migration.
❌ Zillion staking portal will support Staking phase 1.1. We are coordinating with other wallet providers to support phase 1.1
❌ There will be no change to the final minting block number for $gZIL.
ABOUT Zilliqa
Zilliqa is a high-performance and secure blockchain platform for next generation applications and enterprises.