Patract Open Platform Officially Launched

Patract is a Wasm Contract Technology Lab for Polkadot. It provides full-stack support for the Wasm contract ecosystem, including on-chain contract modules, off-chain tools and services, and user-side products.
Patract Open Platform (POP for short) was initiated by Patract Labs and jointly established by dozens of Polkadot projects as an open Polkadot Wasm contract technology alliance
The project was made possible through the effort of different big time crypto projects in the history such as Patract Labs, Acala, Apron, Coinversation, Manta, Litentry, OpenSquare, Plasm, Bifrost, SubDAO, Standard, Zenlink, Clover, Mathchain, Phala
The goal of Patract Open Platform is to promote the large-scale popularization of Wasm contract technology in the Polkadot ecosystem.
The Open Platform will jointly promote the construction of public infrastructure and the evolution of contract technology, then creating a strong alliance for Wasm contract ecosystem.
ABOUT Patract Open Platform
P.O.P is Polkadot Wasm Contract Alliance. Its goal is to promote the large-scale popularization of Wasm contract technology in the Polkadot ecosystem.