Transak x Argon Partnership
This is the first partnership of Transak in the Binance Smart Chain. Transak will provide the users easy access to buy cryptocurrencies using MasterCard and Visa on Argon. Users can create a posting on Argon, offer and accept the offer.
Argon works with smart contracts on the
Binance chain network. All transactions
take place in smart contracts. Argon does
not use any database. For this reason,
your money or effort will not be damaged
in any attack.
Developer integration for a fiat-to-crypto payment gateway. This solves the important problem of allowing mainstream people and businesses to access crypto and blockchain. It does this by integrating local compliance, payment methods, and liquidity from around the world. Transak is backed by Consensys, The LAO, Lunex, Koji Ventures, and IOSG.