BurgerSwap x Barbecue Swap Partnership
This partnership brings BBQ Farming pool where users can stake their BLP tokens to BBQ pool to farm 20,408 BBQ tokens.
Farming Pool Details
- Total Rewards: 20,408 BBQ & BURGER
- Farming Period: May 21 at 16:00 to June 21 at 16:00 UTC+8
- BLP Tokens Supported: BBQ/WBNB and BBQ/BURGER
Decentralized Exchange, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on Binance Smart Chain. They are aiming for sustainable growth through constant innovation. The team is implementing its unique “barbecue model” to achieve this in the DeFi ecosystem. $BBQ is the governance token.
First DEX on BSC which is created by and for the community. As the people’s exchange, it emphasizes on being democratized and decentralized, with community governance.