Convergence Finance Cemented A Partnership With Wintermute

Convergence Finance, the first AMM to make private assets interchangeable in the DeFi space signed a pact with the leading global algorithmic market maker in digital assets, Wintermute.
Wintermute is providing liquidity on over 50 exchanges and trading platforms. Its vision is to become the number one algorithmic liquidity provider in both centralized and decentralized worlds across all liquidity pools (on-screen, OTC, spot and derivatives). In DeFi specifically, this means solving the liquidity problem that currently limits the adoption of the whole space.
With this partnership, Wintermute will provide market-making services to Convergence Finance on ConvX, Convergence’s AMM. It will maintain adequate liquidity in markets on ConvX and maximize market efficiency.
On the other hand, Convergence and Wintermute will be working together to further improve the overall price discovery process for exotic assets in the Convergence system.
ABOUT Wintermute
Wintermute is a leading market maker of digital assets globally. The firm manages hundreds of millions in assets and trades more than $5B+/day across dozens of different trading platforms, as well as supporting high profile blockchain projects
ABOUT Convergence Finance
Convergence will be the first AMM to make private assets interchangeable in the DeFi space by fractionalizing them using a single easy-to-use interface and composable with other DeFi protocols.