fETH/ETH Concentrated Liquidity Pool Is Now Available On Uniswap v3

fETH/ETH concentrated liquidity pool is now available on Uniswap v3
aETH and fETH are also now available on the Binance Smart Chain network. users can stake Binance-pegged ETH and redeem aETH, which users can use to trade or provide liquidity and earn rewards on Bakeryswap.
What is fETH ?
fETH is a synthetic derivative asset designed by Ankr Staking to provide instant Eth2 liquidity. Essentially, it serves as Eth2 futures.
What is aETH ?
aETH represents the staked ETH plus all future staking rewards. aETH is also listed on Uniswap, Sushiswap, and Curve for immediate liquidity and trading.