PancakeSwap Added Lien To Their Syrup Pool & Farm

PancakeSwap Added Lien to Their Syrup Pool & Farm
Users can now Stake CAKE to earn LIEN and Stake LIEN-BNB LP to earn CAKE.
How do you stake CAKE to earn LIEN rewards?
- Visit this webpage:
- Click “Approve CAKE” on the LIEN Syrup Pool
- Click on the stake button.
- Confirm the transaction.
About Lien
Lien is a self-regulating protocol that allows for issuing options in a whole new way. You can use the protocol to create your own unique derivative contracts and take advantage of the price development of ETH in an efficient manner. The protocol will also help you hedge against the risks associated with the price volatility in ETH by providing features to split it as you like and hold positions you would like according to your risk appetite.
The protocol is designed to work without a governance mechanism, eliminating various complications that result from human intervention and allowing for greater efficiency with which to manage your crypto assets within the protocol. The Lien project was launched by a group of anonymous developers who are passionate believers of the future that cryptocurrency brings.
About PancakeSwap
PancakeSwap is decentralized exchange and 1st Automated Market Maker and Yield Farming on Binance Smart Chain.
PancakeSwap uses an automated market make r (AMM) model. That means that while you can trade digital assets on the platform, there isn’t an order book where you’re matched with someone else. Instead, you trade against a liquidity pool