Moonbase Alpha TestNet is Upgraded to v8 and is Feature-Complete for Moonriver Launch

Moonbeam has announced an upgrade of its developer TestNet to Moonbase Alpha v8 and is now feature completes for the Moonriver launch.
Moonbase Alpha v8 includes significant upgrades that improve the experience even further:
- Debugging and Tracing Nodes
- Introducing Staking Precompile
- Adding Treasury
- Adding Support for Proxy Accounts
- Adding Crowdloan Reward Module
- Setting Minimum Gas Price
- Restricting Block Time
- Improving Ethereum Transaction Retrieval
About the Moonbeam Network:
Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications. This Ethereum compatibility allows developers to deploy existing Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam with minimal changes. As a parachain on the Polkadot network, Moonbeam will benefit from the shared security of the Polkadot relay chain and integrations with other chains that are connected to Polkadot.