Bancor Weekly Dev Update
Qualified on-chain liquidity protocol, Bancor introduced Weekly Dev Update of May 23–30.
- New protection contract — improves the transferPosition functionality for 3rd party integrations
- Fixed solidity coverage report
- Started migrating tests to typescript
- Migrated the test deployment script to hardhat so it runs as part of the tests
- Added more monitoring tools
- Gas optimizations research
- Research hardhat deployment plugins
- Refactored test tokens
- Removed the whitelist contract
- Removed unneeded packages
- Refactored tests and reduced verbosity
- Added vote delegation strategy
- Fix 25% => 50% withdrawal bug
- Increase limit orders to 30 days
- Dependencies updated
- Withdraw modal fixed
- EOS remove liquidity fixed
- Slippage warnings added
- Withdrawing position UI improved
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What is Bancor?
Bancor is an on-chain liquidity protocol that enables automated, decentralized exchange on Ethereum and across blockchains.