Ontology Partnered With HyperJump

Ontology has Partners with HyperJump launch a liquidity incentive partnership program for users of both Ontology and HyperJump platforms with a reward pool of $190 000 in platform tokens. The event offers $130 000 $Alloy worth and $60 000 $ONT to users for the program.
User can provide liquidity to $ALLOY-$ONT and $ONT-$BNB Pair to earn $ALLOY
About Ontology
Ontology is a high-performance blockchain-based platform specialized in decentralized identity and data. Its unique infrastructure supports full cross-chain cooperation and Layer 2 scalability.
About HyperJump
HyperJump is the multichain DeFi based platform with a fun tokens system and dApp that have thrived in gaming, NFTs that benefit the user. The platform recently adds Fantom to its list of supporting blockchain has been well to make interesting alliances and partnerships across blockchain communities.