Meter (MTRG) Went Live On PancakeSwap

Meterians long wait is over. Meter_IO recently announce that $MTRG is live on PancakeSwap. Meter users can enjoy opportunities of generating passive income by staking $CAKE tokens to earn $MTRG.
Meter is a high performance infrastructure that allows smart contracts to scale and travel seamlessly through heterogeneous blockchain networks.
The Syrup Pool
Total Tokens: 97,000 MTRG
Distribution duration: 60 days
Start block: 7913000 (approx. 9am UTC on June 1st)
Finish block: 9641000 (approx. 9am UTC on July 31th)
Token rewards per block: 0.05613 MTRG
Max Stake per wallet: 100 CAKE for the first 48 hours, then unlimited CAKE staking.
Users can use their Metamask Wallet to start staking.
For MTRG Token Holders
PancakeSwap will provide a MTRG-BUSD farm that will have 1x CAKE rewards for the first 48 hours and then 0.5x CAKE rewards afterwards. In order to participate, users can convert their mainnet MTRG or Ethereum eMTRG to BEP20 MTRG on Binance Smart Chain through Meter Passport. New MTRG can be minted on Binance Smart Chain through cross chain transfers from Meter mainnet or Ethereum via the Meter Passport.
ABOUT METER envisions a borderless financial and information ecosystem empowering people to reimagine the world. It takes Ethereum to the next level by enabling scalable and interoperable dapps with the safety and security of full decentralization.
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