Origin Protocol announces $1.3M OGN Buyback using NFT sales

Origin Announces $1.3M OGN Buyback using Non-Fungible Token sales proceeds, Origin using half of the revenue generated from their recent NFT sales for this token buyback. Purchased OGN will be removed from circulation and sent back to their Foundation Reserves via their third-party execution partner at the conclusion of the buyback.
Reasons behind on buyback is the utility of holding and using OGN in the governance of the network and to reduce OGN’s circulating supply.
About Origin Protocol
Origin Protocol is a network that allows market participants to share goods and services through peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. The platform aims to create an extensive online marketplace leveraging the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain and Interplanetary File System (IPFS) in order to eliminate the need for middlemen.