Origin Protocol $OGN BuyBack Program

The platform that brings DeFi and NFT to the masses, Origin Protocol announces $1.3M OGN buyback program. Origin Protocol is pleased to announce that tey will be purchasing $1,304,284 worth of Origin Tokens (OGN) on the open markets over the next week. They will be using approximately half of the revenue generated from their recent NFT sales for this token buyback. Purchased OGN will be removed from circulation and sent back to their Foundation Reserves via their third-party execution partner at the conclusion of the buyback.
The purpose of buying back is to reduce OGN’s circulating supply and using OGN in the governance of the network. Throughout the last 1.5 years, Origin Protocol team has prioritized keeping the actual circulating supply of $OGN lower than the projected supply. This OGN buyback is directed at further reducing circulating supply to get closer targeted numbers.
The OGN Platform taking additional measures in the future to further manage their circulating supply, including holding back tokens that would otherwise be released by Foundation Reserves and announcing additional buybacks in the future.
Origin Protocol is bringing NFTs and DeFi to the masses. Origin’s flagship products is NFT platform, which has supported numerous high-profile NFT drops and Origin Dollar (OUSD), the first stablecoin that earns a yield automatically in users’ wallets. Origin’s token is $OGN.
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