Dotmoovs Liquidity Mining On Uniswap

A peer-to-peer competition platform powered by blockchain and a state-of-the-art AI system to analyse videos of players performing sports challenges, Dotmoovs, announced liquidity mining program in Uniswap. There will be 1.000.000$MOOV allocated monthly rewards for Uniswap liquidity providers. The monthly rewards are paid in $MOOV to every liquidity provider that locks ETH and MOOV on Uniswap for at least 28 days. These rewards are in addition to the normal 0.3% fee liquidity providers automatically get from Uniswap trades on the trading pairs they provide liquidity. All wallets that started providing liquidity up to 7June will be eligible to this month rewards.
How to be eligible?
- To qualify you need to provide at least 0,5 ETH of liquidity, plus 0,5 ETH worth of MOOV tokens.
- Each qualifying liquidity address is only eligible for rewards 28 days after liquidity is added.
- Each qualifier splits the reward pool among all qualifiers evenly by percentage of the pool.
- If you remove liquidity at any point, your previous liquidity is disqualified and you must wait 28 days from the next time you add qualifying liquidity to qualify for rewards (this is to prevent paying out to people who rug pull)
- Dotmoovs take any qualifying Liquidity Providers at the end of each period and split up the pool among them.
- Start whitelisting your address by clicking this link
- Once submitted, visit “dotmoovs add liquidity” page on Uniswap here
- Input the number of MOOV you want to provide to the liquidity pool (minimum 0,5 ETH worth of MOOV).
- Confirm the liquidity by clicking “Approve MOOV” and accept the transaction using Metamask. Use a medium to high gas fee. The transaction may take some time due to possible network congestion.
- Once the transaction is confirmed, click “Supply” and accept the transaction using Metamask. Use a medium to high gas fee.
About dotmoovs
Dotmoovs is the first crypto mobile worldwide competitive environment. There, users can compete with others around the world just by bringing their skills, ambition, and smartphone
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