SCV Finance Launching of Staking Pools on Pancakeswap

SCV Finance SCV-WBNB liquidity pool and SCV farms are now live on Pancakeswap. Users can stake SCV to receive BNB profit distribution from Gatcha and earn SCV community bootstrap reward from the SCV farms.
SCV Contract Address:
Purchase link:
Liquidity Pools
- Price: Same Price as SCV(ERC20) on Hotbit (Currently $0.001355), initial liquidity of 1,000,000 USD.
- DEX:
Staking Farms
- Deposit fee: 0.1%
- NFT Boost
Common: Deposit Fee Exemption
Uncommon: 2x APY
Rare: 3x APY
Epic: 5x APY
Legendary: 10x APY
(NFTs lose effect after withdraw)
SCV Finance
Aims to become an ultimate solution that helps users monitor m wallet balance and liquidity pool, yield farming, and token staking performance. provides a blazing-fast and elegantly designed mobile-first UI, with support for many platforms coming very soon.