Hybrix Staking Program

Hybrix is open-source, non-profit and inclusive by design. Technically Hybrix unites all blockchains. Swap, store, build, explore and transfer across a myriad of different blockchains all at once. The Hybrix hydra token ($HY) is a unified asset. This means it has token representations on several chains that are connected and unified into one asset. Moving value between chains can be done easily through the hybrix wallet, or by using third-party bridges. $HY shows the power of a hybrix
The HY token smart contract on Binance Smart Chain is designed to redistribute 3% of its value on every transaction. This percentage gets spread to three separate targets.
- 1% is burned, increasing scarcity
- 1% is returned to the liquidity supply pool
- 1% is returned to everyone that holds HY on BSC
The feature is what makes it easy to stake $HY Token. Simply use the hybrix in-wallet “Swap” function to Move your $HY to BNB/HY. Then just hold it in the wallet and with every $HY transaction made on the Binance Smart Chain you will receive a bit more $HY. The amount will increase over time and growth rises when there are more transactions.
Hybrix is open-source, non-profit and inclusive by design. Technically Hybrix unites all blockchains. Swap, store, build, explore and transfer across a myriad of different blockchains all at once. The Hybrix hydra token ($HY) is a unified asset.