iOS User Will No Longer Using TrustWallet Dapp Browser Version! WHY?

Sadness covers all iOS user of Trust Wallet as the platform will no longer support iOS devices to use its Dapp version. Trust Wallet completely removing the decentralized application browser from TrustWallet on iOS starting with its next release version 6.0, this is to comply with Apple’s App Store Guidelines and to continue offering and improving its services on iOS.
- funds are SAFU.
- Android users will be unaffected.
- The new iOS version will not include the DApp browser and it cannot be re-enabled.
All iOS apps must conform to Apple’s guidelines to be listed in their App Store. Dapps by nature constitute “code not embedded in the [app] binary,” and need to meet several criteria to be allowed in an iOS app.
User can still access DApps manually by typing the URL into a web browser such as Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. The DApp browser will be removed completely in the next release of the Trust Wallet iOS app. They can still interact with Dapps from a web browser and WalletConnect.
All of funds and collectibles will still be accessible for iOS users using their respective browser. Trust Wallet doesn’t hold your assets, it’s just a gateway to access them. As long as you have a backup of your Recovery Phrase, you will always have full control over your assets.
For users
- The simplest option, use the Android version of Trust Wallet . By importing your wallet on an Android device, you will be able to continue interacting with your favorite DApps like nothing has changed.
- For iOS users, you can still access DApps via WalletConnect by following this guide. Use the Safari browser on your mobile device to access DApps.
For developers
- You can integrate Wallet Connect to connect with Trust Wallet
- Integrate Trust SDK natively on iOS
Trust Wallet is the best ethereum wallet and cryptocurrency wallet to store your favourite BEP2, ERC20 and ERC721, tokens.
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