Sigmadex Envoy Program

Sigmadex has announced that they have launched the Sigmadex Envoy Program.
The Sigmadex Soldier Program was created to increase adoption and awareness for its liquidity protocol.
Sigmadex takes modern day blockchain technology and integrates game theory mechanics, DeFi, and NFTs to solve a massive problem in the space known as “rug pulling”.
Sigmadex is looking for passionate and well versed individuals to join our team. They welcome individuals to apply for the Sigmadex Envoy Program as they have opened up multiple opportunities which will cater to specific interests and positions. Qualified applicant will receive adequate recognition and rewards for their time and ongoing efforts.
About Sigmadex:
The Sigmadex Foundation is dedicated to contributing growth and innovation within the crypto ecosystem. The organization is working towards a complete decentralized future replacing counter-party risk with intelligent algorithms to detach emotion and greed from the handling of money. The protocol is entirely built and governed by the community of its native token holders, which is fairly distributed. Native tokens carry the benefit of being used to propose and vote on important changes to the protocol.