Lithium Finance First Pre- IDO on Convergence

Lithium Finance will conduct the first pre-IDO on Convergence. The whitelist will be open on June 17th and the event will happen on 24 June 2021.
The concept of pre-IDO is gaining traction in the market, and Convergence Finance’s pre-IDO offerings could provide unique edges for new crypto projects and their potential investors.
Pre-IDO will offer individual investors an advantage of an entry price similar to many VC funds, giving them a significant first-mover advantage over those who will come later in the market.
The sales will be available on ConvO or Convergence Offering. Eligible CONV token holders will be able to have “premium access” to the Lithium pre-IDO.
About Convergence Finance
Convergence will be the first AMM to make private assets interchangeable in the DeFi space by fractionalizing them using a single easy-to-use interface and composable with other DeFi protocols. Convergence enables asset owners to take advantage of DeFi’s liquidity, while DeFi users can access exotic real-world assets unavailable to them before. Convergence Finance combines the edge of a lowered investment entry barrier with the liquidity, automation, and transparency features of DeFi to bring real-world asset exposure to all DeFi users.
About Lithium Finance
Lithium Finance is the first collective-intelligence pricing oracle to give precise and timely pricing on private, illiquid assets. It rewards analysts who provide truthful information and punish those who offer false pricing data. As a result, Lithium’s users will get the pricing for all hard-to-value assets such as pre-IPO stocks, private equity, and other illiquid assets effectively.