Ventup Partners With Bridge Mutual

Ventup partners with Bridge Mutual to create the future of dApp investing and cover the risk options for investments.
VENT Finance is partnering with Bridge Mutual, a platform that uses smart contracts deployed on blockchains to introduce trust in an inherently trustless ecosystem, as is the case with insurance.
Bridge Mutual is the missing link in the chain reaction that VENT Finance is about to trigger in the world of decentralized applications. By using a decentralized source of insurance, investors prospecting for gems on the Ventup Launchpad will outsource risk coverage on Bridge Mutual.
About Bridge Mutual
Bridge Mutual is a decentralized, p2p/p2b discretionary risk coverage platform that provides coverage for stablecoins, centralized exchanges, and smart contracts. Its platform allows users to provide coverage, decide on policy payouts, as well as share profit and get compensated for adjudicating claims.
About VENT Finance
The Ventup launchpad turns ideas into successful growth journeys. It’s where founders share innovative blockchain projects with the communities that will join forces to fund them. VENT is empowering startups and investors with technology that supports sustainable growth. They work to make decentralized funding simple and accessible as they believe in financial inclusion and an economy where innovation can benefit society as a whole.