Cotton Farm

Cotton farm is a yield farm with a referral system to earn 1% of your friend’s earning.
Main Features
Automatic Liquidity (Disabled)
Each transfer of COTTON must pay a 5% transfer tax. Half (2.5%) of that transfer tax gets added to the liquidity pool through the contract automatically to raise the price floor continuously. The liquidity will be locked and inaccessible.
Automated Burning (Disabled)
The other half (2.5%) of the tax are instantly burnt. This is made to counterbalance the farming.
Referral Program
An on-chain referral program has been implemented to incentivize users to invite friends to join the farming. Inviters can earn 1% of his/her friends’ earnings forever.
No Migrator Code
The migrator code in the MasterChef contract has been removed.
4% Deposit Fee
The 4% deposit fee on the non native pools and the non native farms will be used only towards marketing. We will not buyback and burn because we already have the transaction task to do it. You can check the marketing plans in the Roadmap, a bunch of influencers already partner shipped with us !