Theta Guardian Node v3.0.2 Released

Theta Network is pleased to announce the Guardian Node release for Theta 3.0. This release will perform a hard-fork at block-height 10968061 approximately 12PM Wednesday June 30, 2021 PT, to enable the Theta 3.0 features. It is mandatory to upgrade your node otherwise it will fall out of sync after the hard-fork height.
If you are running the GUI/app version, it will update itself. If you are running Theta from Ubuntu command line (or from Google Marketplace), please download the latest binary with the following command. Please replace <THETA_BIN_PATH> with the parent folder of the Theta binary you are running with.
The Theta blockchain mainnet enables the support for Turing-complete smart contracts. Smart contracts open up a whole new set of user experiences and new attribution models for DApps built on the Theta network. Theta network could enable fully digitized item ownership, innovative payment-consumption models, transparent royalty distributions, trustless crowdfunding mechanisms, and much more. This provides an additional layer of social and economic interactivity that supplements the core functionality of video and data delivery, and significantly increases the engagement and retention of platform users.
Theta Network is the leading video delivery network powered by blockchain technology. Theta allows users to simultaneously watch video content and earn token rewards for relaying video to other users who are also watching the same content. In the same vein as other sharing economy models, users opt-in to volunteering their spare bandwidth and computing resources to relay video to other users and earn token rewards for their contributions. Users can contribute to Theta Network on any PC, mobile device, or smart TV.