Suterusu Boosted Syrup Pool is now live on PancakeSwap

Suterusu Boosted Syrup Pool is now live on PancakeSwap.
Users can now Stake SUTER-BNB LP to earn CAKE.
How do you stake SUTER-BNB LP to earn CAKE rewards?
Visit this webpage:
Click “Approve CAKE” on the Suterusu Syrup Pool
Click on the stake button.
Confirm the transaction.
About Suterusu
Suterusu is a privacy payment infrastructure for cryptocurrency. Suterusu integrates a state-of-the-art trustless ZK-SNARK scheme with nearly constant size proofs and efficient proof generation/verification. Based on our ZK-ConSNARK scheme, the Suterusu protocol allows a user to convert any token issued on the layer-1 blockchain to its anonymized counterpart in the Suterusu protocol and then run the Suterusu transfer functionality to hide the transfer account identity and transferred amount.
About PancakeSwap
PacakeSwap is decentralized exchange and 1st Automated Market Maker and Yield Farming on Binance Smart Chain.
PancakeSwap uses an automated market make r (AMM) model. That means that while you can trade digital assets on the platform, there isn’t an order book where you’re matched with someone else. Instead, you trade against a liquidity pool.