Dvision World “Open Beta Test” is now Live!
Dvision World Open Beta Test (OBT) is now officially LIVE! Dvision World is the borderless metaverse of the Dvision Network Platform. Heres the guide on how you can access the event:
- Go to dvision.network website, after logging in to the Dvision Network, click the Start button
- Download the .exe file. Once that is complete, please click the “Run” button.
- On the first page, set up your avatar. You can choose your avatar’s body type, gender, outfit, etc.
- Once you’re done on your avatar, create a nickname
- Go to Dvision Warp Tower. It is located in the center of the Dvision World Lobby.
Prior to the launch of the OBT , you can receive information directly about it by pre-registering. Please follow the link below to join in!
Pre-registration Link: https://dvision.network/register.php