SubQuery Partners With KodaDot

SubQuery Network has announced a strategic partnership with KodaDot.
Kodadot is a carbon neutral Kusama native NFT platform that uses the $RMRK protocol. Users can mint, transfer, and burn NFTs on the network.
SubQuery’s service helps Kodadot extract and query on chain data for NFTs on Kusama, and do this in a more energy efficient and carbon friendly way.
Kodadot is using SubQuery Projects to manage their own project and make updates as required.
About SubQuery
SubQuery is a data aggregation layer that will operate between the layer-1 blockchains (Kusama) and DApps (like Kodadot). This service allows DApp developers to focus on their core use case and front-end, without needing to waste time on building a custom backend for data processing.
About Kodadot
Kodadot is a Kusama Native NFT platform that prides itself on its carbon neutrality. Artists are able to offset their mints to create a carbonless NFT environment. Kodadot has made a NFT Gallery for Kusama using RMRK standard, this gallery is Client-first, and is the first step towards Kodadot’s MetaPrime dreams.