PIVX Liquidity Mining Kickstarted

Privacy Instant Verified Transaction, PIVX launched a liquidity mining campaign program. PIVX has been partners with Hummingbot_io for this particular activity. This is the beginning of the new 12-week liquidity mining campaign on Binance for both PIVX trading pairs PIVX/BTC and PIVX/ETH. Campaign starts on June 29th, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.
Campaign Terms
Start date: June 29, 2021 12:00am UTC
Total reward pool: USDT 12,000 for 12 weeks (USDT 1,000 / week)
Reward token: USDT
Eligible token pairs:
PIVX/ETH: USDT 500 / week
PIVX/BTC: USDT 500 / week
Eligible orders: maker orders placed with spreads of 2% or lower
Exchange: Binance Exchange
PIVX are inviting everyone to check the details about the campaign directly on the Hummingbot’s website as well as the Campaign Terms
PIVX is an open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer currency featuring advanced user data protection features, community governance mechanisms, Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, and multi-purpose Masternodes.
Hummingbot is open-source software that lets you build and run customizable trading strategies.