Introducing Lyra Testnet
Lyra announced that they have deployed to OΞ Kovan.
Explore, trade, and learn more about the power of L2 options to get leverage, hedge your portfolios and earn yield with them on the Lyra protocol. By opening testnet, they are inviting the community to get involved in all aspects of the project and provide valuable feedback which will shape the direction of Lyra. It also allows them to continue to iterate on the dApp and mechanism, ensuring that Lyra is ready for OΞ mainnet.
The contracts have been deployed onto the Optimistic-Kovan testnet. This allows you as a trader, to experience the benefits in usability that L2 provides first hand. Lyra has seeded the initial liquidity into the system. They’ll be opening up our LP interface over the coming weeks. Don’t worry about bringing your own ETH and tokens to trade with, we’ve got you covered.
How to access the testnet
1. Go to
2. Connect using Metamask (ensure you are connected to the Optimism Kovan Test Network).
3. Claim your tokens.
4. When you’re ready, click start trading and explore!
What is Lyra?
Lyra is DeFi’s first complete options AMM.