Titan is now PancakeSwap Syrup Pool

Users will able to stake $CAKE to earn $TITAN tokens. Voting is up for the community. If its passed the Syrup Pool will go live on July 9 at 9AM (UTC)
- Total Tokens: 154,000 TITAN
- Distribution duration: 60 days
- Start block: 9001200 (approx. 9am UTC on July 9th)
- Finish block: 10729200 (approx. 9am UTC on September 7th)
- Token rewards per block: 0.08912 TITAN
Vote Here: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/QmendoDXhGqT9tQJk39Lnuwpdc5QiVBK7Th5dv7ssuMw5u
TitanSwap is a decentralised exchange (DEX) that offers cross-chain swaps between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. It is designed to be a competitor to Uniswap, by offering higher rates to liquidity providers paid out in its native token TITAN.