NIFTSY Raises Over $1m, Receives Grant From Rarible

NIFTSY Raises Over $1m, Receives Grant From Rarible.
NIFTSY is a solution to the problems of the NFT market, including inefficient price discovery mechanisms and a lack of liquidity or parameters around royalties. The NIFTSY cross-chain protocol allows any cryptocurrency asset or other NFTs to be stored within an NFT for ultimate versatility and value.
NIFTSY offers a clear business model, many use-cases, and several competitive market advantages that have attracted investors which include Waterdrip Capital, YBB Foundation, LucidBlue Ventures, Autonomy Capital, LD Capital, Damo Labs, Lancer Capital, Cypher Ventures, and others.
In total, $1,000,000 was raised toward continuing on the innovative NIFTSY development roadmap, to go toward product marketing, and much more.
NIFTSY is a collateral-backed and price discovery cross-chain protocol to provide NFT with inner value and liquidity.
NIFTSY is a cross-chain protocol that allows NFTs to be utilized as storage for cryptocurrencies or other NFTs. Creators can also customize NFTs with unique settings such as royalties, temporary time locks on deposited assets, and much more.