BonFi on Pancakeswap

The BNF token can now be swapped on a 1:1 basis between the ETH and BSC network and vice versa.
Trading Pair
PancakeSwap trading pair: BNF-BNB
BNF (BEP-20) Contract Address: 0xca14caf9e8dd2793e7010fc48dfe6c6af8445136
Staking Pool – 335% APY
On 21 July, Bonfi will release an exclusive PancakeSwap Liquidity Staking Pool on the BonFi Platform. Liquidity staking is a fantastic product that allows users to earn double rewards on providing liquidity to the PancakeSwap BNF-BNB pair.
BonFi is a multilayered open finance liquidity mining service platform complemented by the AI-powered BonVest, a professional cryptocurrency liquidity mining solution.