Vesper Lend (Beta) Went Live

A platform for easy-to-use DeFi products, Vesper Finance introduce its product Vesper Lend, beta stage and it went live as a Rari Fuse pool. This is a lending platform governed by vVSP in the same way that vVSP holders govern other aspects of the Vesper system.
Vesper Lend also reflects another sustainable yield source for Vesper’s pools. Vesper’s multi-strategy capability means that its Grow and (soon) Earn pools can target any number of yield sources at the same time, and Vesper Lend is another powerful addition to the strategy suite.
At launch, Vesper Lend’s supported assets include Vesper assets — VSP and vVSP — as well as additional assets including VUSD, ETH, WBTC, USDC, and DAI.
ABOUT Vesper Finance
Vesper is a DeFi ecosystem and growth engine for your crypto assets. Vesper provides a suite of yield-generating products, focused on accessibility, optimization, and longevity.