Shibance – 2021 CryptOlympics

In celebrating the opening of Tokyo Olympics, Shibance will launch a week full of packed exciting initiatives. This will not only help foster growth amongst the various multicultural Shibance communities around the globe, but this will also accelerate the growth of the Shibance ecosystem.
What can users expect this week?
- Daily listings of new projects across both KCC and BSC platforms
- Community poll to pick new farms on Shibance BSC/KCC
- New Shibance community AMA with community prizes (Wednesday 28/7/21, time TBC)
- Community give away’s and competitions
- Strategic marketing campaigns around the globe
Later today
- Launching of the first community poll to find the next project to be listing on Shibance
- Announcing the winners of the recent OG recruitment competition
- 21 days until the first halving on Shibance KCC