Baby Swap Farm, Snack Pool And Trade Mining For BinaryX

Baby Swap Farm, Snack Pool and trade mining for BinaryX are now LIVE!
Users can now Stake BABY to earn BNX and Stake BNX-USDT LP to earn BABY on BabySwap platform.
How do you stake BABY to earn BNX rewards?
Visit this webpage:
Click “Approve BABY” on the BNX Snack Pool
Click on the stake button.
Confirm the transaction.
About BinaryX
BinaryX is a decentralized derivatives contract based on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. Users can trade binary options conveniently via BinaryX, which adopts an improved Automated Market Maker (AMM) model.
About BabySwap
BabySwap is the best AMM+NFT decentralized exchange for newborn projects on Binance Smart Chain, providing a more friendly trading experience and better project support.