iSWAP — Cross-Chain Swap in A Snap Officially Launched

iSwap is a cross-chain transaction platform deployed on multiple public chains (initially supporting HECO and BSC), with security, low transaction fees, fast speed features, and it is the first time that the cross-chain transaction time is shortened to the seconds level, which is a milestone in the block-chain industry.
iSwap was officially launched and users can start their trading activity in the platform. Alongside with this successful launching, airdrop campaign was organized where all crypto lovers and supporters will get to enjoy.
- Trade on or in Huobi Wallet iSwap Activity
- Send feedbacks on Twitter using #iSwapTradingFeedback and Tag iSwap
- Airdrop Duration: 2nd August to 24th 2021
- Total Reward: 300 $HT ( $3,000)
- 1 Top Lucky User: Single Swap Handling Fee X 2,500. ( Award Maximum Amount 50HT(≈$500)
- 2 Great Lucky Users: Single Swap Handling Fee X 1,000. ( Award Maximum Amount 20HT(≈$200)
- 10 Lucky Users: Single Swap Handling Fee X 500. ( Award Maximum Amount 10HT(≈$100)
- The rest of unawarded users will share the 110HT(≈$1,100)
- The AirDrop will be delivered within 7working days after the campaign ends.
- One Transaction at least on or Huobi Wallet iSwap Activity Zone from 18:00, Aug. 2nd — 24:00, Aug. 8th, 2021,(UTC/GMT+08:00)
- The total trading amount of the single lucky user winner must be in the top 50 of the total ranking.
- Send the feedback via Twitter by adding #iSwapTradingFeedback and notice @ iSwapCom.
The larger amount and the greater transactions numbers you trade, the higher winning opportunities you will get.
iSwap is a comprehensive, decentralized trading platform deployed on multiple public chains (initially supporting HECO and BSC platform), with security, low transaction fees, fast speed features, and it is also integrated cross-chain and aggregated transactions. iSwap is specialized designing for cross-chain transactions and aggregated transactions, allowing all users to enjoy lower transaction fees and lower slippage to complete the assets exchange between single or dual chains.