KokomoSwap Will Integrate Chainlink Price Feeds

KokomoSwap Will Integrate Chainlink Price Feeds on BSC to Power No-Loss Prediction Markets.
KokomoSwap will integrate Chainlink Price Feeds on BSC mainnet to power their new Prediction Market (BETA) feature, providing their users a gamified experience in addition to a hassle-free DEX. Simply put, KokomoSwap no-loss prediction market will allow users to predict whether the price of ETH/USD will be higher or lower in successive rounds, with the potential to earn increased rewards if they’re correct.
They selected Chainlink Price Feeds to settle the prediction markets because they are the industry standard for decentralized price oracles.
About Chainlink
Chainlink is the industry standard oracle network for powering hybrid smart contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks provide developers with the largest collection of high-quality data sources and secure off-chain computations to expand the capabilities of smart contracts on any blockchain.
About KokomoSwap
KokomoSwap is a Binance Smart Chain based AMM (automated market maker) DEX(decentralized exchange) designed to facilitate the seamless transaction of crypto assets in a fun-filled and profitable manner. KokomoSwap allows its users to trade crypto and to grow assets in an easy and fun way. It runs on Binance Smart Chain to benefit from faster and lower transaction fees and it provides a refined user experience for both heavy-crypto users and beginners. We want our users to leverage their existing assets to generate additional profits seamlessly.