Trava Finance Bug Bounty And Early Experience Program

Trava Finance is the world’s first decentralized marketplace for cross-chain lending. The platform organized a bug bounty program as well as early experience event for the celebration of the launching of its Alpha Lending Pool.
The Early Experience (2E) and Bug Bounty (2B) program starts 13th August and will end on 18th August 2021.
- Early Experience Program
¤ Go to the link: to get the budget of $1000 for the game. You can use all of this budget to buy the arbitrary number of our supported tokens and join the lending game.
¤ For BNB, go to the link: to faucet BNB on BSC Testnet
¤ After getting tokens, you can start executing lending and borrowing business processes, including 4 functions: deposit, borrow, withdraw, and repay. - REWARDS FORMULA
¤ The Prize will be assessed based on your points gained during the 2E program. Your Credit Score Rank and your Gained Reward (in $TRAVA-test token, which is a version of $TRAVA on our BSC testnet)
¤ Trava Team applies a different reward coefficient for each rank, at 1.00; 1.05; 1.10; and 1.15, corresponding to Conqueror, Hero, Master, and Legendary, respectively.
- Early Experience Program
The Credit Score is calculated based on data from BSC Mainnet only.
Gained Reward for one participant (in $TRAVA-test) is the sum of rewards he/she earns when performing Depositing and Borrowing actions. For each token:
- The total Deposit Reward is 30M TRAVA-test for all players.
- The total Borrow Reward is 30M TRAVA-test for all players.
- A specific Deposit Reward and Borrow Reward will be released for each block.
- For each block, the Deposit Reward will be distributed to all lenders based on the number of tokens they have deposited in the pool. Similarly, the Borrow Reward will be allocated to all borrowers based on the amount of token they have borrowed from the pool.
Based on all players’ ranking points, The team will select the top 3 best players to get Prize in real $TRAVA.
- The Winner: $1000 in $TRAVA
- The Runner-up: $500 in $TRAVA
- The Third place: $250 in $TRAVA
- $250 in $TRAVA will be divided equally to the top 50 players.
In addition to receiving rewards from actual usage of the trial version of the Lending Pool, TRAVA users can also receive prizes from contributing feedback to create TRAVA Lending Pool with the best performance.
- You can claim your reward for both programs from September 3rd to September 5th
- Your reward will be distributed in $TRAVA at the converted price from US dollar to $TRAVA at the time of distribution.
The Alpha Lending Pool is running on BSC Testnet, a marvelous preparation for users to get acquainted with the Mainnet version of our lending pool ecosystem in the future.
Trava Finance is the world’s first decentralized marketplace for cross-chain lending. While existing approaches provide only one or a few lending pools with their own parameters such as borrow/supply interest rate, liquidation threshold, Loan-to-Value ratio, or a limited list of exchangeable cryptocurrencies, TRAVA offers a flexible mechanism in which users can create and manage their own lending pools to start a lending business. Trava is deployed on the Binance Smart Chain and allows for lending with BSC tokens first; we then enable cross-chain lending with various tokens on Ethereum and other blockchain networks.