Micro Gaming Protocol on OliveCash Garden Pool

Users will able to stake $OLIVE to earn $MGP V2 with a total of 2,619,360,000,000 MGP V2 tokens up for grabs for the community.
- Distribution duration: 500,000 blocks, approx. 17 days
- Start: August 16th 14:00 UTC
- Token rewards per block: 5,238,720 MGP V2
- Token address: 0xdf77539d45abfe4aea13f1240ef82b991ee0f023
How do you stake OLIVE to earn MGP V2 rewards?
If you own OLIVE tokens, congratulations! You’re the master of Olive Garden. Time to become rich and start with learning how to stake OLIVE with Olive Garden Pool.
- Visit this webpage: https://olive.cash/pools
- Click “Approve OLIVE” on the MGP V2 Olive Garden Pool.
- Click on the stake button.
- Confirm the transaction!
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