NKN Mainnet v2.1.6 Released

New Kind of Network (NKN) new mainnet version v2.1.6 has been released and present a two major changes.
- Change bonus mining reward adjust interval from 1,576,800 blocks to 1 block. This change only affects the bonus mining reward from donation contribution (including Generate ID fee contribution). The bonus mining reward will still be released at the rate of 50% per 1,576,800 blocks just as before, but with more smooth release curve. The change will be effective at block height 3,030,000. After the effective height, mining reward is expected to increase immediately by 0.58 NKN.
- Add get trie state message and handler as the phase 1 of fast sync upgrade. This change will enable nodes to respond to get trie state messages, in preparation of the next phase of fast sync.
Due to consensus change, this version is a mandatory upgrade. Users are advised to upgrade before block height 3,030,000.
How to Upgrade?
- If you are using nkn-commercial (including one-click on DO/AWS/Google Cloud) or nknx fast deploy, you don’t need to do anything.
- If you downloaded the release version, you just need to download it again at https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases , replace files and start nknd again
- If you build from scratch, you just need to do the build again.
- If you are using some scripts or tutorials that has auto-updater, then it should be automatic if the auto-updater is working properly.
NKN is a new kind of peer to peer network connectivity protocol and ecosystem powered by a novel public blockchain. It uses economic incentives to motivate Internet users to share network connections and utilize unused bandwidth.