DeRace Will Integrate Chainlink VRF for fair and unpredictable gameplay Within Its NFT Racehorse Platform

DeRace Will Integrate Chainlink VRF for fair and unpredictable gameplay Within Its NFT Racehorse Platform. Chainlink’s industry-leading random number generator will allow users to breed horse NFTs with truly random traits, as well as randomly determine the winners of horse races according to a predefined set of odds.
Powering Racehorse Breeding and Competition With Chainlink VRF
In horse breeding, the genetic algorithm generates the third NFT horse by combining genes from parent horses, with +/- 5% deviation in characteristics (VRF is applied during this process). That means that even if both parents had a speed property of 20, the foal’s speed can be in the range of 19 to 21.
In horse racing, Chainlink VRF will choose a winner from all participating horses. While generally faster horses have a higher chance of winning, even the slowest horse has a small probability to win thanks to the integrity of Chainlink VRF. What’s more, Chainlink VRF will provide transparency of the process and results via an on-chain audit trail proving how its randomness was generated, which is a crucial factor to keep the community’s trust in the DeRace platform.
About Chainlink
Chainlink is the industry standard oracle network for powering hybrid smart contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks provide developers with the largest collection of high-quality data sources and secure off-chain computations to expand the capabilities of smart contracts on any blockchain.
About DeRace
DeRace is a complete NFT horse racing ecosystem where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, host races in your own NFT hippodrome and earn profit while doing it.
DeRace is electrifying the current NFT market by allowing players to fully interact with their DNA-enriched NFT horses and have full control of their own hippodromes.