BSCStation on BabySwap Trade Mining Farm and Pool

Users will able to stake $BABY to earn $BSCS with a total of 183,000 BSCS up for grabs for the community. BabySwap will provide a BSCS-USDT farm as well as trade mining that will have 2x BABY rewards for 30 days at the same time.
- Distribution duration: 30 days
- Start at Block height 10,280,063, approx. 12:00 PM UTC, August 23rd
- End at Block height 11,144,063, approx. 12:00 PM UTC, September 22nd
- Token rewards per block: 0.2118 BSCS
BSCStation (BSCS) aims to build a Full-Stack DEFI with NFT Auction on the Binance Smart Chain. It will become the economic infrastructure for Defi and NFT powered by Binance Smart Chain. The Infrastructure for Defi & NFT Powered by BSC.