Xmine on OliveCash Garden Pool

Users will able to stake $OLIVE to earn $XMINE with a total of 218,963,000 XMINE tokens up for grabs for the community. OliveCash will provide a XMINE-BNB farm that will have 2x OLIVE rewards for the first two days, then returns to 1x OLIVE rewards.
- Distribution duration: 1,000,000 blocks, approx. 34 days
- Start: September 1st ~14:00 UTC
- Token rewards per block: 218.96 XMINE
- Token address: 0x0fa9651a0ecc19906843c13c60443300b9d37355
Xmine was born with the purpose of matching the needs of traditional investors and adepts in the world of crypto-actives. In fact, the first self-sustaining currency.
A decentralized ecosystem that has $CAKE rewards for investors and mining ASICS generating purchases on the graph with the profits made.