The Curse NFT is Now Live on Ethereum

The Curse NFT is Now Live on Ethereum. The Curse leverages Chainlink Keepers & Chainlink Price Feeds to reliably automate updates of the NFT’s appearance when the ETH/USD price undergoes certain movements. The integration will help to automate the updating of Curse NFT with the changing price of Ethereum in a highly reliable, decentralized, and cost-efficient manner.
Chainlink Keeper Network is secured by professional DevOps with an extensive track record of high-uptime and reliability, who have successfully secured a multitude of high-value Chainlink ecosystem projects amidst high gas prices and extreme market events. Chainlink Keeper Network not only enhances the determinism of our genesis piece’s responsiveness to the changing price of Ethereum, it allows us to decentralize a core part of the protocol and to remove a central point of failure, ensuring that Curse NFT is indestructible.
The accursed share platform will be optimized for artists to mint dynamic NFTs similar in function to our flagship, Curse NFT, using Chainlink’s Keeper technology. This will be the first time any artist is readily able to create a unique, dynamic NFT that is truly decentralized without needing a developer.
About Chainlink
Chainlink is the industry standard oracle network for powering hybrid smart contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks provide developers with the largest collection of high quality data sources and secure off-chain computations to expand the capabilities of smart contracts on any blockchain.
About Accursed Share
Accursed Share is a production studio and accelerator leveraging smart contract technology to push the boundaries of cryptoart.