Supremium on OliveCash Garden Pool

Users will able to stake $OLIVE to earn $SUPR with a total of 192,000,005,332 SUPR tokens up for grabs for the community. OliveCash will provide a SUPR-BNB farm that will have 2x OLIVE rewards for the first two days, then returns to 1x OLIVE rewards.
- Distribution duration: 500,000 blocks, approx. 17 days
- Start: September 3rd ~14:00 UTC
- Token rewards per block: 384,000 SUPR
- Token address: 0xb6f5c624a59bc1f6f20dd9afd2166cf09e480ba6
Supremium is the result of blood, sweat and tears. It has been built on the back of both success and failure. Like the strongest steel, Supremium gets its strength from a combination of elements, forged and beaten into shape. It takes time. It takes work. We are proud of what they have delivered.