YSL.IO sYSL-BUSD Liquidity Pools

Several big changes have been happening behind the scenes and the YSL.IO team has been hard at work ensuring everything happens by the promised deadline of the 13th of September 2021. In our previous article we covered one such change, the introduction of YSL.IOs deflationary token – xYSL.
Another new feature we’ve introduced are the sYSL-BUSD liquidity pools. Some of eagle eyed investors might have noticed the GitBook and Medium articles being updated over the past week, along with the announcement on Twitter of its creation on PancakeSwap 🥞and ApeSwap.
sYSL is AVAILABLE NOW on both Apeswap and PancakeSwap
sYSL-BUSD LPs can EARN a share of the Liquidity Mining Rewards!
About YSL.IO
A cutting-edge DeFi tool designed to OPTIMISE and AMPLIFY the returns from yield farming platforms, whilst maximising the benefits of LOCKED LIQUIDITY to create a truly unparalleled token economy.