FlatSwap welcomes BabyAlpaca to MEME Pool

Users will able to stake $FSWAP to earn $BALPAC with a total of 29000000 $BALPAC up for grabs for the community. FlatSwap will provide a BALPAC-FSWAP AND BALPAC-BNB farm which gives FSWAP rewards.
- Distribution duration: 17 days
- Start block: 11190000
- End block: 11690000
- Start Date: September 24, 9 AM UTC
- Token address: 0x83DD5794D844BB4bD630c2FAcC45A77729232991
Baby Alpaca (BALPAC)
Baby Alpaca is a decentralized community token that has an innovative hybrid dividend mechanism. By simply holding $BALPAC in your wallet, you passively yield rewards of $ALPACA (Alpaca Finance’s native token.
FlatSwap Token (FSWAP) is native token of FlatSwap dex on Binance Smart Chain. People can earn FSWAP as a reward with yield farming with and users can stake FSWAP in Meme Pools to earn other tokens. FlatSwap makes partnerships for farms and pools consistently.