Scientix Finance released an Announcement about Public Auction

Scientix Finance are deciding to hold a public auction of SCIX which will allow the Scientix team to commit to the future development and will also be used for audits, contractors, hiring, and community efforts.
Auction Info:
- Auction Platform:
- Auction address:
- Auction Duration: Sep 27, 02:00 PM ~ Sep 28, 02:00 PM, UTC Time
- Total Amount: 15,000 SCIX of 2% reserved SCIX minted at the launch time as the funding of initial liquidity provisioning, auditing fees, early development, marketing, hiring, etc.
- Target Raising Amount: $150,000 ~ $300,000
- Prices Tranches (3 tranches): $10, $15, $20
- Distribution: Your successfully bid SCIX will be linear released in the next 3 months, starting from Sep 29, 02:00 PM UTC to Dec 29, 02:00 PM UTC.
Scientix Finance
Scientix is a future-yield-backed synthetic asset platform on Binance Smart Chain. It allows you to get interest-free loans that pay themselves off over time with no liquidation risk, while your collateral earns you yields in the background.