Listing Vote – Deri Protocol

Deri Protocol (DERI) Bonanza week will run until October 5th 4:00 UTC. $10,000 DERI up for grabs for the community.
1. Vote for DERI to enjoy a 21,470 DERI Airdrop (5,000 USD)
- Voting Period: From 28th September 4:00 AM—29th September 2:00 AM UTC.
In this round of voting, if DERI gets 10 million votes, will list DERI for USDT trading. Users who participate in the vote can share a total of about 21,470 DERI airdrop rewards. - Voting channel link:
2. First 600 Deposit users to Share 12,880 DERI Airdrop (3,000 USD)
- The first 600 users to deposit will share 12,880 DERI (about $3,000 USD). First come, first served!
You need to deposit at least 1,720 DERI - Fill the form & participate in our campaign here
3. $300 DERI for Twitter Giveaway
- 1,290 DERI ($300 USD) Twitter Giveaway event to complete forwarding and following tasks and get lucky draw opportunities. After the event, will draw 10 people from them and will give 129 DERI ($30 USD) .
- Click to participate (Coming Soon):
DERI Telegram AMA, $500 DERI Giveaway
- will launch the DERI Telegram AMA DERI activity in the near future, inviting DERI project personnel to visit the Telegram group. During the Q&A period, 2,145 DERI ($500) airdrop benefits will be given out. Details of the event will be on Twitter and Telegram announced, so stay tuned!
Deri Protocol
Deri Protocol is the DeFi way to trade derivatives: to hedge, to speculate, to arbitrage, all on chain. With Deri Protocol, trades are uted under AMM paradigm and positions are tokenized as NFTs, highly composable with other DeFi projects. Having provided an on-chain mechanism to exchange risk exposures precisely and capital-efficiently, Deri Protocol has minted one of the most important blocks of the DeFi infrastructure.